0. District data
1. Territory
1.1. Geographic characteristics
2. Population
1.2. Area by altitude (%)
1.3. Andalusian districts classified by area
1.4. Climatic characteristics
1.5. Hydraulic resources
1.6. Land general distribution (thousands of Hectares)
1.7. Protected natural areas
2.1. Census figures
3. Employment
2.2. Census figures by sex and age group
2.3. Natural movement of the population. Rates per 1.000 inhabitant
2.4. Population's mobility. Rates per 1.000 inhabitant
2.5. Population projections
3.1. Distribution of the work force by sex (thousands)
4. Health
3.2. Work force and employed by economics sectors
3.3. Work force and unemployment rates
4.1. Registered health professionals per 10.000 inhab.
5. Education
4.2. Health service establishments
4.3. Hospital activity rates
5.1. Students registered by educational stage
6. Construction
7. Agriculture, livestock and fishing
5.2. Establishments and teachers by educational stage
5.3. Schooling rates (percentages)
7.1. Agricultural production
8. Industry
9. Foreign trade
7.2. Livestock slaughtered
7.3. Fish auctioned at market (including molluses and crustaceans)
9.1. Balance of trade (millions of ptas)
10. Tourism
11. Transport and communications
12. Finances
13. Basic aggregates
9.2. Imports and exports by customs tarif classification (millions of ptas)
9.3. Business interchange with other countries by economic areas (millions for ptas)
13.1. Aggregates (millions of ptas)
14. Andalusian Autonomous Comunity budget
13.2. Gross value added at factor cost by sectors (thousands of millions of ptas)
13.3. Gross value added of seven important activity branches. (millions of ptas)
13.4. Gross value added by economics sectors. Years 1992-1993. Junta de Andalucía estimation (millions of ptas)