5. Education

5.1. Students registered by educational stage

         Infantil-  Primaria-          Enseñanzas Secundaria-Medias                 Ens. Univ.
         Preescolar   E.G.B.
                               B.U.P.y      F.P. Bachillerato   E.S.O.    Módulos
                                C.O.U.               Reforma

Almería     14.154    64.125    17.164     7.822         829      3.762        292      9.279
Cádiz       32.018   159.112    43.297    26.972       1.884     10.539      1.173     20.424
Córdoba     20.331    92.792    27.129    18.028         506      1.669        264     18.241
Granada     23.796   101.088    35.323    13.449         867      3.709        531     53.683
Huelva      12.541    59.359    16.056    11.250         586      2.874        199      8.745
Jaén        19.428    79.967    21.696     8.817       1.057      4.657        590     12.208
Málaga      31.388   153.937    43.251    25.189       1.800     10.586        840     31.714
Sevilla     41.748   220.941    64.966    40.301       2.090     10.327        736     65.135

Andalucía  195.404   931.321   268.882   151.828       9.619     48.123      4.625    219.429
Source: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Curso 93-94.

5.2. Establishments and teachers by educational stage

              Infantil-Preescol     Primaria-E.G.B.     Secundaria-EE.MM      Universitaria
             ------------------ -------------------- ------------------- ------------------
            Establish.Teachers  Establish. Teachers Establish. Teachers  Degrees  Teachers

Almería           222      574         226    3.062         58    1.909       19       347
Cádiz             390    1.202         406    6.607        140    5.031       39     1.025
Córdoba           290      794         287    4.091         86    2.833       27       985
Granada           390      966         378    4.696        109    3.304       51     2.494
Huelva            175      510         178    2.661         56    1.967       23       398
Jaén              259      767         263    3.539         80    2.453       26       461
Málaga            471    1.256         481    6.820        132    4.785       39     1.217
Sevilla           511    1.585         532    9.093        194    6.966       54     2.755

Andalucía       2.708    7.654       2.751   40.569        855   29.248      278     9.682
Source: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Curso 93-94.

5.3. Schooling rates (percentages) (*)

               B.U.P. y    Formación   E.S.O. Reforma y Secundaria-
                  C.O.U. Profesional II Ciclo   Módulos      EE.MM.

Almería            52,61       19,06    21,89      2,73       90,61
Cádiz              50,34       25,37    23,99      2,88       97,18
Córdoba            52,26       27,89     5,55      1,19       91,21
Granada            62,55       18,86    12,68      1,96       95,02
Huelva             49,80       28,24    16,26      1,97       95,19
Jaén               53,01       17,22    21,61      3,22       89,30
Málaga             51,13       23,83    24,17      2,50       95,95
Sevilla            50,80       25,33    16,01      1,78       92,45

Andalucía          52,45       23,75    18,11      2,23       93,78
(*) ESO I Ciclo rates are not included since the rate is 100%

Source: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Curso 93-94.