11. Transports and communications

11.1. Roads

Ways type                                             Length (km)

Toll motorways                                                 94
Free motorways, dual carriageways and three lane roads      1.247
Two lane roads                                                126
Conventional single lane roads                             22.577

Province                        Roads(m)/surface(km2) Length (km)

Almería                                         277,4       2.434
Cádiz                                           280,6       2.072
Córdoba                                         331,6       4.549
Granada                                         266,1       3.334
Huelva                                          209,5       2.113
Jaén                                            234,0       3.159
Málaga                                          345,1       2.511
Sevilla                                         276,5       3.871

Andalucía                                       275,5      24.044
Source: C.O.P.U.T., Diputaciones provinciales y M.O.P.T. Año 1994.

11.2. Motor vehicle pool by types

               Lorries      Buses         Cars  Motorbikes   Tractors

Almería         46.477        548      147.178      17.149      1.527
Cádiz           54.134        840      309.799      33.230      1.892
Córdoba         56.230        682      201.714      21.448      1.285
Granada         57.229        831      242.710      36.031        559
Huelva          30.754        394      112.364      10.313        835
Jaén            58.739        479      154.866      12.820      1.137
Málaga          78.716      1.317      385.302      46.025      1.069
Sevilla         95.590      1.643      485.869      50.090      3.151

Andalucía      477.869      6.734    2.039.802     227.106     11.455
España       2.825.747     47.088   13.733.794   1.287.850     80.003
Source: Ministerio del Interior. Dirección General de Tráfico. Año 1994.

11.3. Traffic

                      Rail                    Air                          Sea
               -----------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------
               Passg.     Cargo   Aircraf   Passg.     Cargo     Ships Passg. (*)     Cargo
              (thous)    (m.t.)            (thous)       (t)  entering    (thous)       (t)

Almería           273     1.935     5.757      624       497       866        301     8.845
Cádiz           3.596       602     3.892      305       293     7.102      3.765    36.218
Córdoba         1.441     1.864       378        2        -         -         -          -
Granada           553     2.227     3.876      342       210        -         -          -
Huelva            473       624        -        -         -        373        416    12.596
Jaén              466       450        -        -         -         -         -          -
Málaga          8.799       305    48.253    5.513     6.413     1.067        274     8.779
Sevilla         7.271       384    16.897    1.250     3.745       292          0     3.047

Andalucía      22.872     8.389    79.053    8.036    11.158     9.700      4.756    69.485
(*) Data correspond to 1993.

Source: RENFE (provisional data), Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente. Año 1994