8. Industry

8.1. Industrial productions index in Andalucía

Classification N.C.E.A. (*)                Annual average    94/93(%)

General                                             133,7        23,7
General excluding production of energy              134,1        27,3

Energy                                              130,5         0,1
Non-energy minerals and chemical industry           115,7         3,9
Metal processing                                    225,9        90,5
Other manufacturing industries                       99,3         2,4
By economic destination of goods

Consumer goods                                      100,1       -10,3
Investment goods                                    119,2       -48,3
Intermediate goods                                  111,0       -10,1
Source: Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía. Año 1994.

8.2. Distribution of investment by sectors (*)

                       Thousands of ptas         %

0. Agriculture                  474.403       0,83
1. Energy                     6.009.177      10,54
2. Mining                       456.132       0,80
3. Processing industry       33.468.955      58,72
4. Other industries           9.407.218      16,50
5. Construction               6.322.915      11,09
6. Trade                              0       0,00
7. Transport and Commu.         241.832       0,42
8. Financial and Techn.         620.081       1,09
9. Other services                        
Total                        57.000.713     100,00
(*) In the development of new industries and industrial expansion.

Soruce: Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Año 1994.