6. Construction

6.1. Housing

               Projects approve        Dwellings begun         Dwellings complet      Protected rehabilitation
            ---------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------   ------------------------
            Free mark G.B.L.H.(1) Free mark(*) G.B.L.H.(1) Free mark(*) G.B.L.H.(1)          Regulation
                                                                                       Autonomous       State

Almería         1.824       1.484        1.652       2.415        1.694       1.880           654         352
Cádiz           4.488       2.877        3.563       2.467        5.700       3.108         1.173         513
Córdoba         2.824       1.856        2.361       1.844        2.588       2.316         1.167          55
Granada         7.341         625        6.568       1.430        6.857       1.394         1.109         113
Huelva          4.498         792        2.303         803        1.696       1.246           574         124
Jaén            3.827         714        3.492       1.036        3.170       1.404         1.444         405
Málaga          4.557       1.332        3.891       3.066        4.080       2.260         1.106         230
Sevilla         4.569       4.478        4.664       9.491        6.570       6.364         1.021         574

Andalucía      33.928      14.158       28.494      22.552       32.355      19.972         8.248       2.366
(*) MOPTMA. Evolución del Subsector Vivienda 1994 (provisional data).
(1) Government backed loan housing.

Source: C.O.P U.T. Dirección General de Arquitectura y Vivienda. Año 1994.

6.2. Official purchase in construction by contracting agent

Government               Millions of ptas      93/94(%)    And/Spa(%)

Local                              45.248          35,7          10,1
Autónoma                           89.134         -31,9          12,4
Central                            97.244         -45,4          11,0

Total                             231.626         -32,3          11,3
Source: Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente. Año 1994.

6.3. Cement consumption

                       thousands of tons  94/93(%)

Almería                           477,9       37,0
Cádiz                             458,4       14,0
Córdoba                           434,7       14,2
Granada                           586,3       22,0
Huelva                            223,0        8,3
Jaén                              286,3        0,8
Málaga                            652,7      -17,9
Sevilla                           958,8       -1,7

Andalucía                       4.078,1        5,3
España                         24.037,8        5,7
Source: Oficemen. Año 1994 (provisional data).