2. Population

2.1. Census figures

                        Total        Males      Females       Density

Almería               486.005      241.224      244.781         55,39
Cádiz               1.118.137      555.609      562.528        150,29
Córdoba               779.333      381.570      397.763         56,59
Granada               833.526      408.782      424.744         65,91
Huelva                454.995      224.897      230.098         44,92
Jaén                  663.586      327.987      335.599         49,17
Málaga              1.212.471      595.788      616.683        165,96
Sevilla             1.701.609      834.221      864.374        121,23

Andalucía           7.249.662    3.570.078    3.676.570         82,76
España             40.230.340   19.729.854   20.500.486         79,70
Source: I.N.E. Población de Derecho de los Municipios Españoles.
Rectificación del Padrón Municipal de Habitantes a 1 de Enero de 1994.

2.2. Census figures by sex and age group

                              Total       Males     Females

From 0 to 4 years old       451.201     231.881     219.320
From 5 to 9 years old       518.697     265.836     252.861
From 10 to 14 years old     618.910     317.834     301.076
From 15 to 19 years old     635.064     324.323     310.741
From 20 to 24 years old     616.062     313.712     302.350
From 25 to 29 years old     575.415     289.870     285.545
From 30 to 34 years old     507.260     254.851     252.409
From 35 to 39 years old     423.346     212.229     211.117
From 40 to 44 years old     385.934     192.580     193.354
From 45 to 49 years old     359.734     178.600     181.134
From 50 to 54 years old     330.201     160.478     169.723
From 55 to 59 years old     367.873     178.765     189.108
From 60 to 64 years old     337.618     161.052     176.566
From 65 to 69 years old     286.605     132.634     153.971
From 70 to 74 years old     207.185      87.076     120.109
From 75 to 79 years old     157.660      60.744      96.916
From 80 to 84 years old     101.150      35.479      65.671
85 years or more             60.607      18.347      42.260
Source: I.E.A. Censo de Población de Andalucía 1991.

2.3. Natural movement of the population. Rates per 1.000 inhabitant

                Marriages      Births      Deaths     Natural

Almería              5,76       13,29        7,45        5,84
Cádiz                5,84       12,91        6,94        5,97
Córdoba              6,25       12,89        8,37        4,52
Granada              5,88       12,51        8,11        4,40
Huelva               5,55       11,95        8,95        3,00
Jaén                 5,79       12,96        8,29        4,67
Málaga               5,44       11,77        7,62        4,15
Sevilla              6,05       12,71        7,77        4,94
Andalucía            5,84       12,59        7,82        4,77
Source: I.N.E. Movimiento Natural de la Población. Año 1992.

2.4. Population's mobility. Rates per 1.000 inhab.

          Inmigration         Emigration                          Net
          ------------------- -------------------       Net Migration
              Total      Rate     Total      Rate Migration      Rate

Almería      10.934     23,02     9.828     20,69     1.106      2,33
Cádiz        12.939     11,72    14.150     12,81    -1.211     -1,10
Córdoba       9.204     11,92     9.014     11,68       190      0,25
Granada      15.323     18,76    14.255     17,45     1.068      1,31
Huelva        5.002     11,10     5.479     12,16      -477     -1,06
Jaén          8.614     13,13     9.478     14,45      -864     -1,32
Málaga       19.123     16,04    18.163     15,24       960      0,81
Sevilla      23.667     14,10    20.162     12,01     3.505      2,09

Andalucía   104.806     14,67   100.529     14,07     4.277      0,60
Source: INE. Population's Mobility Register. 1993

2.5. Population projections.

                 1995        1996        1997        1998        1999        2000
  Almería     465.824     468.283     470.762     473.173     475.507     477.825
    Cádiz   1.105.104   1.111.182   1.117.440   1.123.790   1.130.079   1.136.323
  Córdoba     759.272     760.226     761.207     762.140     762.933     763.600
  Granada     801.111     802.943     804.739     806.415     807.995     809.516
   Huelva     448.193     449.392     450.677     452.033     453.459     454.983
     Jaén     638.948     638.887     638.782     638.591     638.326     637.943
   Málaga   1.219.715   1.233.070   1.246.613   1.260.079   1.273.495   1.286.880
  Sevilla   1.666.956   1.678.311   1.689.927   1.701.647   1.713.507   1.725.338

Andalucía   7.105.123   7.142.294   7.180.147   7.217.868   7.255.301   7.292.408
Population projections have been carried out making four fertility assumptions.
Data above refer to middle assumption which foresees a decrease in the observed descending fertility, with a subsequent recovery during the period covered by the projection, so that 2006 fertility be similar to 1991.