Indicadores ODS de Andalucía

Andalusian System of Sustainable Development Indicators for the 2030 Agenda

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

The System of Sustainable Development Indicators of Andalusia for the 2030 Agenda aims to constitute a framework of statistical indicators, aligned with those established by the United Nations and by the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), which serves to monitor, different territorial levels, of the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

Acceso a la presentación   Presentation

Acceso a la nota divulgativa  Informative note on the Joint Research Center indicators at the municipal level

Acceso a la nota divulgativa  Informative note on United Nations and Eurostat indicators

Hover over a goal listed below and click to access the indicators:

Objective 1. End of poverty
Objective 2. Zero hunger
Objective 3. Health and well-being
Objective 4. Quality education
Objective 5. Gender equality
Objective 6. Clean water and sanitation
Objective 7. Affordable and clean energy
Objective 8. Decent work and economic growth
Objective 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Objective 10. Reduction of inequalities
Objective 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Objective 12. Responsible consumption and production
Objective 13. Climate action
Objective 14. Underwater life
Objective 15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems
Objective 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Objective 17. Partnerships to achieve the goals

  Data download:

  United Nations Indicators for Andalusia   EXCEL   JSON

  Eurostat indicators for Andalusia (targets 1 to 8)   EXCEL   JSON

  Eurostat indicators for Andalusia (targets 9 to 17)   EXCEL   JSON


  Last published data: 23/11/2023

  Update log
