Presentation of the Andalusian System of Sustainable Development Indicators for the 2030 Agenda

Andalusia, 25 September 2023.

The Andalusian Sustainable Development Indicator System for the 2030 Agenda aims to constitute a framework of statistical indicators, aligned with those established by the United Nations and the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), which serves for monitoring, different territorial levels, of the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was approved by the United Nations in September 2015 and has given new impetus to global efforts to achieve sustainable development. The Agenda sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that provide a new global policy framework to end all forms of poverty, combat inequalities and tackle climate change, while leaving no one behind.

Monitoring and review of the objectives and targets are carried out using a common framework of 232 indicators agreed by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution A/RES/71/313 underlining that official statistics and data from National statistical systems form the necessary basis for the indicator framework, and highlights the role of national statistical offices as coordinators of each national system.

On the other hand, Eurostat has made progress in defining its own framework of indicators for the sustainable development goals of the European Union in its publication EU SDG Indicator, some of which are aligned with the global indicators of the United Nations, others They are part of the European Statistical System (ESS) and the rest come from official sources that are not part of the ESS.

The Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia (IECA) included, in the 2019 Statistical and Cartographic Program, the activity System of Sustainable Development Indicators of Andalusia for the 2030 Agenda. Initially, the reference framework for the definition of the Andalusian system was the indicators defined by Eurostat.

Subsequently, and in order to carry out coordinated work in the development of regional indicators, a working group was formed between the statistical bodies of the Autonomous Communities, in the form of a collaborative network, with the aim of agreeing on the methodology for calculating United Nations indicators for the Autonomous Communities, seeking alternatives to problems of territorialization or relevance and guaranteeing, in any case, comparability.

After intense work, each Autonomous Community had a first common and homogeneous set of indicators and a standard methodological sheet that the statistical organizations would disseminate on their respective websites (Agreement of the central statistical bodies of the Autonomous Communities).

In December 2020, a battery of indicators aligned with the United Nations, the result of the work of the working group among the statistical bodies of the Autonomous Communities, began to be disseminated for the first time for Andalusia.

In 2021, the follow-up and monitoring work on the SDGs begins at the local level based on a partnership project with the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This project served as a launcher for Andalusia to be one of the regions selected for the European project REGIONS 2030: Monitoring of the SDGs in EU regions. Fill the data gaps, along with 9 other regions of the European Union.

Currently, the System of Sustainable Development Indicators of Andalusia for the 2030 Agenda, structured based on the 17 objectives of the 2030 Agenda, is made up of European indicators, common indicators with the Autonomous Communities and aligned with the United Nations, own indicators for the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and municipal indicators proposed by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission in collaboration with the Directorate General of the Regions and EUROSTAT.

For European indicators, series are offered, in general, since 2000, allowing Andalusia to be compared with Spain and the other countries of the European Union. For the battery of indicators common with the Autonomous Communities and aligned with the United Nations, series have been offered since 2010 for Andalusia and Spain. For the local indicators associated with the JRC, series are offered for all the municipalities of Andalusia since 2015.

The indicators use information provided by official statistics as a source of information. The use of official statistics guarantees technical rigor in data production, obtaining information in accordance with reliable, stable, precise, efficient and contrasted methodologies, and the availability of periodically updated information.

The framework of indicators is constantly growing, both in number and level of disaggregation, and will be updated based on the new information that is available at all times for their generation.