Welcome to the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia website, a public body responsible for coordinating the Statistical and Cartographic System of Andalusia.
The creation of the Institute is a result of the merger between the Institute of Statistics of Andalusia and the Institute of Cartography of Andalusia, and is not only a commitment to improve the efficiency of Andalusian public administration, but also places our region in an prominent position, at national and European level, the integration of statistical and geographical information, which involves, in addition, an innovative process of technological convergence, improved information services provided to the Andalusian society.
Regional statistics has, among its characteristics, the requirement to produce and disseminate regional disaggregated information that responds to the management demands of public administration and the society. Regional mapping and geographic information systems are advanced and indispensable tools to provide such spatial disaggregation information.
In the statistical field, together with the work of producing statistical information, it is clear that, in accordance with the European Statistics Code of Practice, transparency, dissemination and accessibility of this information are fundamental commitments to society as a whole.
The wide range of social, economic, demographic, territorial, technological and environmental statistical information is aimed at meeting the information requirements of citizens, researchers, business, economic and social agents and public administrations.
In cartographic issues, as the guarantor of the organization, coordination, rationality and efficiency of cartographic production in our region, the main functions are the elaboration of up to date, high quality basic maps, the expansion of geographic Information Systems and the distribution of the territorial image of Andalusia, especially via the Internet.
But, furthermore, the web is also a means of communication and interaction with users who will find a tool to analyse the past, present and future of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and to access statistical and cartographic products and services which makes information on Andalusia available to users. In summary, the users turn information into knowledge which is the underlying principle of statistical and cartographic agencies in advanced societies.
Thank you for accessing the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia website, we hope you find it useful.
Management of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia