9.1. Balance of trade (millions of ptas)

                                       Imports               Exports                Cover rate

Almería                                 25.349                97.010                     382,7
Cádiz                                  237.639               299.254                     125,9
Córdoba                                 20.913                44.272                     211,7
Granada                                 24.658                21.264                      86,2
Huelva                                 155.619               109.796                      70,6
Jaén                                    20.243                43.467                     214,7
Málaga                                 144.232                42.686                      29,6
Sevilla                                107.202               149.049                     139,0

Andalucía                              735.855               806.798                     109,6
Source: Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Dirección General de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales.

Año 1993 (provisional data).

Evolution of cover rate in Andalucía

---------------------------------------------- Year Cover rate ---------------------------------------------- 1.989 81,5 1.990 87,9 1.991 92,7 1.992 92,5 1.993 109,6 ----------------------------------------------

9.2. Imports and exports by customs tarif classification (millions of ptas)

Sections                                                                   Imports                 Exports

 1. Livestock and animal products                                           38.453                  11.156
 2. Plant and vegetables products                                           55.762                 207.241
 3. Fats and oil                                                            10.623                  49.790
 4. Food industry products                                                  42.636                  82.218
 5. Mineral products                                                       358.362                  76.644
 6. Chemical products                                                       36.043                  36.582
 7. Plastics                                                                10.649                   3.181
 8. Furs, skins and manufactures                                             2.196                   2.266
 9. Woods and manufactures                                                   5.650                   3.894
10. Paper and manufactures                                                  10.894                  10.124
11. Textiles and manufactures                                               13.258                   9.472
12. Footwear and related products                                              830                   1.095
13. Building materials, ceramics and glass                                   5.846                   2.164
14. Jewelry and costume jewelry                                              3.801                  14.803
15. Common metals and manufactures                                          35.700                 116.174
16. Machines and devices                                                    58.917                  19.349
17. Transport materials                                                     33.868                 110.510
18. Optics and photography                                                   6.509                  18.146
19. Weapons and ammnunitions                                                   299                     119
20. Fumiture and toys                                                        4.932                   2.757
21. Art objects and antiques                                                   178                      16
99. Not classified                                                             449                  29.097

Total                                                                      735.855                 806.798
Source: Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Dirección General de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales. Año 1993

(provisional data).

Imports and exports by provinces

----------------------------------------------------- Imports Exports ----------------------------------------------------- Almería 3,4 12,0 Cádiz 32,3 37,1 Córdoba 2,8 5,5 Granada 3,4 2,6 Huelva 21,1 13,6 Jaen 2,8 5,4 Málaga 19,6 5,3 Sevilla 14,6 18,5 Total 100,0 100,0 -----------------------------------------------------

9.3. Business interchange with other countries by economic areas (millions for ptas)

                                                Imports             Exports          Cover rate

  C.E.E.                                        211.342             507.606               240,2
  E.F.T.A.                                       22.906              32.670               142,6
  E.E.U.U.                                       44.755              45.997               102,8
  Canada                                          6.385               8.511               133,3
  Japan                                          15.444               5.768                37,3
  Rest of world                                 435.023             206.246                47,4

  Total                                         735.855             806.798               109,6
Source: Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Dirección General de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales.

Año 1993 (provisional data).

Imports and exports, origin and destination

---------------------------------------------------------- Imports Exports ---------------------------------------------------------- C.E.E. 28,7 62,9 E.F.T.A. 3,1 4,0 E.E.U.U. 6,1 5,7 Canada 0,9 1,1 Japan 2,1 0,7 Rest of world 59,1 25,6 Total 100,0 100,0 ----------------------------------------------------------