5.1. Students registered by educational stage

         Infantil-  Primaria-          Enseñanzas Secundaria-Medias                 Ens. Univ.
         Preescolar   E.G.B.                                                       (distritos)
                               B.U.P.y      F.P. Bachillerato   E.S.O.    Módulos
                                C.O.U.               Reforma     (*)

Almería     13.907    65.196    16.499     9.036         465      2.697        218          -
Cádiz       32.395   164.277    42.142    28.388         943      7.677        755     17.394
Córdoba     19.804    95.148    26.709    17.620         301      1.623        229     17.024
Granada     23.492   103.052    34.886    13.937         554      3.323        453     65.250
Huelva      12.257    61.532    15.644    11.479         273      2.217        175          -
Jaén        18.842    81.254    21.139     9.919         616      3.902        416          -
Málaga      31.190   158.436    43.614    25.940       1.099      7.429        476     29.796
Sevilla     41.877   229.890    64.068    41.385       1.153      7.634        397     68.354

Andalucía  193.764   958.785   264.701   157.704       5.404     36.502      3.119    197.818
(*) Secondary Schooling Obligatory.

Source: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Curso 92-93.

5.3. Schooling rates (percentages) (*)

                  Secondary &      Technical         LOGSE-      Secondary
                      Univers        Schools         Reform  and technical

Almería                 49,96          22,01           8,23          87,55
Cádiz                   49,11          26,63           8,79          93,11
Córdoba                 52,46          27,91           3,41          91,29
Granada                 62,55          19,94           6,20          95,30
Huelva                  48,11          28,44           6,60          91,60
Jaén                    49,91          18,76           9,33          84,99
Málaga                  51,82          24,69           8,57          93,34
Sevilla                 51,09          26,48           5,89          91,36

Andalucía               51,79          24,83           7,09          91,66
(*) Kindergarden and Elementary rates are not included since the rate is 10 Source: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Curso 92-93.