Biblioteca del Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía

Detalles de la revista

Título: European economy
ISSN: 0379-0991. European Economy. Occasional papers 1725-3195
Periodicidad: Irregular
Editor: Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
Materia: Economía y Empresa
Web de la revista: Acceso
Sumarios disponibles

Años Números
2011 no. 1: “European Economic Forecast - spring 2011"
no. 2: "Labour market developments in Europe 2011"
no. 3: "Public finances in EMU 2011"
no. 5: "Tax reforms in EU Member States 2011"
no. 6: "European Economic Forecast-autumn 2011"
Occasional papers 78: “The Economic Adjustment Programme for Ireland. Spring 2011 review"
Occasional papers 79: “The Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal"
Occasional papers 80: “2011 Pre-accession Economic Programmes of candidate countries: EU Commission assessments"
Occasional papers 81: "2011 economic and fiscal programmes of potential candidate countries: EU Commission's assessments"
Occasional papers 83: "The Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal. First review - summer 2011"
Occasional papers 84: "Economic Adjustment Programme for Ireland - Summer 2011 review"
Occasional papers 85: "Progress towards meeting the economic criteria for accession...""
Occasional papers 86: "The EU's neighbouring economies: coping with new challenges"
Occasional papers 87: "The Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece, fifth review"
2010 no. 1: “Surveillance of intra-euro-area competitiveness and imbalances"
no. 2: "European Economic Forecast - spring 2010"
no. 3: "Convergence report 2010"
no. 4: "Public finances in EMU 2010"
2009 no. 1: “Five years of an enlarged EU. Economic achievements and challenges"
no. 2: "The 2009 Ageing Report : Economic and budgetary projections for the EU-27 Member States (2008-2060)"
no. 3: "Economic forecast, spring 2009"
no. 4: "Monitoring revenue trends and tax reforms in Member States - Joint EC-EPC 2008 Report"
no. 5: "Public Finances in EMU – 2009"
no. 6: "Annual Report on the Euro Area 2009"
no. 8: "Labour market and wage developments in 2008"
no. 9: "Sustainability report 2009"
no. 10: "European Economic Forecast Autumn 2009"
no. 11: "Product market review 2009"
Occasional papers 45: "The quality of public finances and economic growth"
Occasional papers 48: "Impact of the global crisis on neighbouring countries of the EU"
Occasional papers 50: "What drives inflation in the New EU Member States? : Proceedings of the workshop held on 22 October 2008"
Occasional papers 56: "Pension schemes and pension projections in the EU-27 Member States, 2008-2060"
2008 no. 1: "Economic forecast, spring 2008” Member States (2007-2060)"
no. 2: "EMU@10: successes and challenges after 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union"
no. 3: "Convergence Report 2008"
no. 4: "Public finances in EMU – 2008"
no. 5: "Labour market and wage developments in 2007, with special focus on the impact of immigration"
no. 6: "Economic Forecast autumn 2008"
no. 7: "The 2009 Ageing Report: Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies for the EU-27"
Occasional papers 41: "The LIME Assessment framework (LAF)"
2007 no. 1: "Evaluation of the Performance of Network Industries Providing"
no. 2: "Spring economic forecasts 2007"
no. 3: "Public finances in EMU 2007"
no. 4: "Labour market and wage developments in 2006"
no. 5: "Annual Report on the Euro Area 2007”
no. 6: "Convergence Reports 2007 on Cyprus and Malta”
no. 7: "Autumn economic forecasts 2007”
no. 8: "The EU Economy 2007 Review”

Sumarios anteriores y textos completos disponibles en:
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission: desde 1998 están disponibles los sumarios y los textos completos, antes de esa fecha sólo los sumarios y los textos completos de algunos números sueltos. Acceso